ISRM Technology Invention Award


In 2019 the ISRM approved the ISRM Science and Technology Awards, which have the following two categories to be conferred on alternate years:

In 2021 the ISRM Technological Invention Award will be conferred on ISRM corporate members in recognition of one or more of the following contributions to the progress of applied rock mechanics and rock engineering:

A complete description of the nature and objectives of this Award, as well as of the nomination procedure, can be found in the “GUIDELINE for the ISRM Science and Technology Awards”.

Nominations for the award shall be by the chairs of the ISRM National Groups, which are kindly asked to spread this announcement through their members and to coordinate the nomination procedure.

The deadline for submission of nominations for the ISRM Technology Invention Award 2021 is 20 March 2021.