Call for abstracts — SA/NT Chapter 2022 Symposium


The South Australia and Northern Territory Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) is pleased to announce its 2022 Symposium entitled “Sustainability, Innovation and Risk Management in Geotechnical Engineering”, which is to be held in late October 2022.

The symposium forms part of the continuing programme of events organised by the SA-NT Chapter of the AGS and aims to provide the engineering profession with insights into the importance of addressing sustainability through innovation, accounting for contingent risks, in geotechnical engineering in current times, with definitions, commentary and examples for a range of projects and technologies.

This year, the Symposium will include a Workshop in the middle part of the day that will focus on practical aspects of sustainability in relation to geotechnical considerations associated with a major local South Australian project.

The Event

In recent years, attention to climate change and global warming have influenced public perception of all forms of development, from mining to infrastructure, housing to industry, and energy to agriculture. In geotechnical engineering, we continue to be influenced by risk factors associated with ground conditions, reliance on past experience and the desire to provide sound geotechnical assessments and designs.

We are, however, increasingly confronted with the need to address sustainability. This opens the opportunity for innovation, although geotechnical risk management remains a key focus. Already there has been an identifiable trend toward addressing these factors, but there is undoubtedly much more that can be achieved as we turn our minds to alternative options to address future needs in the face of the recognition that we, as geotechnical engineers, can contribute to sustainability issues.

The Symposium’s objective is to bring together practitioners, academics and researchers, students and industry leaders from a range of backgrounds, to share and discuss their experiences on the topic of Sustainability, Innovation and Risk Management in Geotechnical Engineering.

Suggested Topics

The following points are suggested topics for presentation to the Symposium, but all submissions will be given due consideration in view of the breadth of potential subject matter:

We invite those wishing to make a presentation at this symposium to submit an abstract to Richard Herraman by close of business Friday 17 June 2022

Organisations wishing to sponsor this event are invited to contact Richard Herraman.