Call for abstracts – International Symposium for Offshore Geotechnics


The Fourth International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG) will be held in Texas on 16-19 August 2020.

The symposium features the fifth McClelland Lecture and strives to continue providing a specialist forum for practitioners and academics to share solutions and new ideas that address the dynamic challenges of working in offshore design and installation. ISFOG 2020 will highlight emerging technologies related to data science and emphasizes the recent surges in offshore renewables development in the United States and globally.

A call for abstracts has been announced, and they may be submitted between April 1 and May 31, 2019.

Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to June 16, 2019

More information can be found in the call for abstracts flyer and on the Deep Foundations Institute website.