AS 2870 & AS 4678


Please note the following opportunities for input to the revision of two important standards.


Further to the recent announcement for a “townhall” meeting to discuss the development of a proposal to revise AS2870, there is a draft proposal as it currently stands, for your consideration.

If you are planning to attend the meeting, please pre-read the document to inform your contributions to the discussion. If you would like to express a view on the proposal, but cannot attend the meeting, I invite you to make a short written submission (short = <1/2 page!) that might also inform the discussion. I intend to collate the short written submissions into a single PDF document and to circulate this to the meeting attendees, prior to the meeting, to also inform the discussions. Please send your submissions to AGS – Secretary.


Also attached are some thoughts on the revision to AS4678. Please send any feedback on the AS4678 document to Stephen Buttling.