Call for Abstracts – WA Symposium


Abstract submission deadline extended to March 6

The Western Australia (WA) Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) is pleased to announce a one-day symposium titled “West Australian Geotechnics and Geology” which is to be held on 8 May 2020.

The event will be held in Perth and will bring together geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, geologists, geophysicists and academics to share and discuss their knowledge and experience in WA related to geotechnics and geology and its implications for design and construction.

The Event

Western Australia’s construction industry is currently booming. Investment in public infrastructure, mining and offshore developments is growing. Economical and safe geotechnical design requires efficient and well thought through ground investigation and characterisation to identify and manage ground risks and opportunities.

This symposium will present overviews of current state-of-the-art practices, innovation, new research relating to WA geology and case studies of WA projects. There will be an emphasis on its implications for addressing and managing design and construction risk.

The symposium will bring together professional engineers, researchers, specialist contractors, regulators, educators and students to share and discuss their experiences on the topic of West Australian Geotechnics and Geology. Best practices, case histories and innovative methods for assessing and characterising ground risk will be presented and discussed, with a particular emphasis on the geology of the metro region and regional areas of WA.

Suggested Topics

The relatively broad theme for this symposium is to encourage talks related to any aspect of WA Geotechnics or WA construction projects. The following are a few suggested topics:


The WA Chapter of the AGS invites local and national practitioners, academics, contractors and other interested parties to submit abstracts on a topic related to WA Geotechnics.

Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and prepared in accordance with the abstract submission guidelines below. Completed abstracts should be submitted to Harun Meer via email at [email protected] by 6 March 2020 for consideration by the organising committee

Abstracts will be selected based on their quality and relevance to the topic of the symposium with the successful author(s) invited to give a presentation at the symposium. We encourage submissions from the geotechnical engineering profession as well as academia.

Submission of a paper is not required however we encourage you to prepare a supporting paper that will be considered for publishing in our Australian Geomechanics journal.


Presenters will enjoy free entry to the symposium.

PDF flyer

A PDF flyer of the Call for Abstracts is available here for distribution.