Members Fees 2020


The last few months have seen a massive disruption to our lives, due to direct and indirect effects of Covid-19. I hope that you have adjusted OK to working (and schooling) from home and other changes to your routine.

Whilst it is clear that while temporary closure of many industries may be starting to ease, the Australian economy will take time to recover. The AGS Executive appreciates that many AGS members may be receiving a reduced household income and that employers may be looking to take cost saving measures during this period. With this in mind, we have made the decision to offer our full individual membership a discount of approximately 25% on the annual AGS membership fees for the 2020-2021 financial year. The revised fees will be automatically applied and presented on your membership renewal notice, which will be distributed to you shortly from Engineers Australia. It is hoped that this reduction will contribute in a small way to ease any effect that the current disruptions are having on our valued members.

We are optimistic that the AGS will be in a position to re-commence in-person events in the near future, but in the meantime, our calendar of online (webinar style) events is available on the AGS website. There are several technical presentations scheduled for the next couple of months, with links provided on the specific event webpages for registration. These events are typically organised by AGS local chapters but are open for anyone who is interested to attend online (with a small number of exceptions that will be clearly noted).

Thank you for your continued support of the AGS. I look forward to seeing you in-person and continue to commemorate our 50th anniversary when conditions allow.

Best regards

Nina Levy (AGS National Chair)