Harry Poulos Award: Call for Nominations


The Australian Geomechanics Society (Sydney Chapter) has established the Harry Poulos Award in recognition of the extraordinary impact of Professor Harry Poulos’s contributions to pile foundation analysis and design and his work in understanding soil- structure interaction. His research has enabled a more reliable approach to be adopted for pile design, replacing procedures that previously relied purely on experience and empiricism. He has been a prolific contributor to and supporter of the activities of the international and Australian geotechnical community.

Basis of the Award

The award will be presented annually to a person selected by the Sydney Chapter Committee as having made a significant contribution to either practice or research in foundation engineering or soil-structure interaction. This contribution must have received national and international recognition. The award shall be given every second year to an international nominee.


Nominations should be made, following a call for submissions, to the Sydney AGS Chapter Committee. Anyone is welcome to make a submission (membership of AGS is not required). Submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter setting out the case for the award and have sufficient information for the committee to make an informed decision.

The submission should also include the nominee’s Curriculum Vitae. For Australian nominees, membership of the Australian Geomechanics Society is expected.


The Chairman of the Sydney Chapter Committee shall promulgate a sub-committee of 3 of the chapter committee’s members to consider the nominations. The sub-committee will consider the contributions of the nominees and the value of their practical contributions and the impact of their work on engineering practice.


The awardee will be required to make a presentation to a meeting of members of the Sydney Chapter of the society. The award memento, which will consist of a framed certificate and glass plaque, will be presented at the Sydney presentation, or as otherwise arranged. The presentation may be given to other AGS chapter meetings, subject to individual arrangements.

Submission Deadline

28th October 2022

To make a nomination for the Harry Poulos Award please download the nomination form accompanied by a comprehensive supporting document, and forward your submission to the Chair of the Australian Geomechanics Society Sydney Chapter, Dr Ali Parsa via: [email protected]