The Call for Abstract is open for the 2023 International Geomechanics Symposium (IGS), to be held on 30 Oct – 2 Nov in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
On behalf of ARMA, Dhahran Geoscience Society (DGS), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), China Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME), and Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA), AGS members are invited to join and celebrate the role of Geomechanics for efficient and sustainable energy supply.
From Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Sequestration (CCUS), Energy Storage, Hydrogen, to mining, geothermal, petroleum, and fundamental geomechanics, IGS will be an international festival for all rock jockeys from operators, technology developers, service providers, researchers, educators, and students.
The multi-society multi-industry multidiscipline event will kick off with a legacy training program, “Rock with Fellows”, offered by ARMA Fellows Priscilla Nelson on Mining (Colorado School of Mines), Maurice Dusseault on Energy Storage (University of Waterloo), and John McLennan on Geothermal (University of Utah), as well as a keynote by Mark Zoback on Unconventional Resources (Stanford University). Over 70 international organisations from more than 25 countries have already confirmed to participate.
More details can be found at
Abstracts are due on 31 May 2023.