SPARC-QUT Showcase Event


Members are invited to attend the SPARC-QUT research Showcase event, which will be held on the 21st of April, 2023, at QUT Gardens Point Campus from 8.30 am to 5 pm in OJW room (Level 12, S-Block). This is a free event, and please refer to the flyer for more details and registration.

SPARC Hub is funded by the ARC (Australian Research Council) and 20 industry partners to undertake some 42 industry-based research projects over five years period (2019–2025). The engine room is run by 39 PhD scholars and many research engineers. While being a think-tank, we undertake cutting-edge innovative research across five research themes related to pavements. The SPARC hub is led by Monash University with the participation of eight Australian universities, including QUT.

As SPARC approaches its 4th anniversary since its inception, a legacy event is organised in Brisbane to showcase its activities and outcomes to industry and the public. A similar event was held in Melbourne on the 10th of March 2023 with the participation of the Federal Minister, Hon. Catherine King MP (Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, and Local Government).  

The event at QUT will showcase state-of-the-art practices, innovations, technological advancements, and skill enhancements achieved through university-industry collaborations in selected SPARC projects. We considered this event quite fitting since the first cohort of the PhD scholars (around 22) will graduate in early 2023, while those of the second cohort are in the mid of their candidature.   

Please see the detailed agenda for the showcase event, including the details of the projects that will be showcased.

Confirm your participation by filling out the online form or by emailing [email protected] with your name, organisation, and dietary requirements.

If you require further details, please feel free to contact, A/Prof Chaminda Gallage via [email protected]