Great Appreciation and acknowledgement to Dr. Giorgio Lollino and Dr.Paolo Allasia that retired from the post of the Web Editor of IAEG


Dear Members of the Executive Committee, dear past Presidents of IAEG, dear past members of Ex.Com, dear IAEG members, dear friends,

I would like to share with you all that Giorgio Lollino, our Web Editor in chief for many years, has resigned from the post. Giorgio took over the responsibility of our web platform in 2011. Giorgio has been collaborated and worked for many years with Dr. Paolo Allasia in this post and both have contributed the most in IAEG.

Professor Giorgio Lollino has been an active member of IAEG for many years and has served as Vice President for Europe in the past. Giorgio and Paolo boosted our website and evolute it several times through the years. They have collaborated with sequential Executive Committees, where everybody appreciated their synergy, effectiveness and friendship. For many years they have taken numerous initiatives to strengthen our web capacities and promote our association.  A crucial, challenging and difficult task with an excellent result. 

We would like to offer our great appreciation and many thanks to Giorgio but also Paolo for many years of service to IAEG, particularly for the development of our web platforms.

We are looking forward to their effective presence within our Association for the years to come. They are so valuable to IAEG.

Kind Regards

Vassilis P. Marinos

President of IAEG