YEG Webinars


YEG has successfully held 14 webinars.

1st e-YEG webinar: “Landslide & Rock slope characterization”

2nd e-YEG webinar: “Investigation on Soils”

3rd e-YEG webinar: “Risk Mitigation on Soils”

4th e-YEG webinar: “Risk Assessment & Management for Geological Engineering projects”

5th e-YEG webinar: “The use of Innovative Solutions for Slope Modelling and Monitoring”

6th e-YEG webinar: “Numerical Analysis in Rock Mechanics”

7th e-YEG webinar series: “Slope instability assessments of transportation corridors”

8th “e-YEG” webinar series: “Rock Mechanics & Geoengineering”

9th e-YEG webinar series: “Rockfall hazard and future considerations”

10th e-YEG webinar: “Risk Assessment & Management in Engineering Geology for Vulnerable Urban areas”

11th e-YEG webinar – “From Nano to Mega in GeoEngineering”

12th e-YEG webinar – “Hollywood’s Dirty Dirt: Environmental & Engineering Geol Professions in S.Cal”

13th e-YEG webinar – “Instability phenomena in granitic slopes and Tunnel geoengineering”

14th e-YEG webinar: “Experiences from IAEG International Summer School”