252nd IAEG Connector


The latest issue of the IAEG Connector newsletter is available to read online.

Welcome to the 252nd IAEG Connector, the electronic newsletter connecting environmental and engineering geologists around the world! 

This week we have a new introductory photo from New Zealand of a superb roadcut! Also, our sister society, IGS, has sent us a link to their latest newsletter. 

One of our news items is about studying landslides on moons of other planets! We have an invitation for members to become “cosmic engineering geologists” and study extra-terrestrial landslides”! We thank our good friend, David Petley for the news item! 

We have other news items about many landslides, especially one in Pakistan last week that killed three people, plus other landslides in California and England. Also, the volcano Nevado del Ruiz is coming back to life in Colombia.