263rd IAEG Connector


The latest issue of the IAEG Connector newsletter is available to read online.

Welcome to the 263rd IAEG Connector, the electronic newsletter connecting environmental and engineering geologists around the world!

This week we continue with the second part of a five part series on the outcomes of the midyear executive committee meeting in Paris! I want to spread the results over five weeks. There is a link to the whole summary (IAEG Strategy for Vision, Mission, Goals and Actions) at the end of the section. This week we stress the discussion of the membership of IAEG, the Diversity and Inclusion Policy, and the work of the vice presidents.

This week was another week of big geodisasters! News was released this week that globally reservoirs are emptier which must be related to the climate. Further updates on the large landslides/rockfalls from Austria and Switzerland and a new large landslide in China are also discussed. There also was a 6.4 earthquake in Tonga.