274th IAEG Connector


The latest issue of the IAEG Connector is available online.

Welcome to the 274th IAEG Connector, the electronic newsletter connecting environmental and engineering geologists around the world! 

Everyone is very excited that this week will be our big congress in China. It has been five years since our last one! Please see the special welcome from President Vassilis Marinos. 

Also, special hello from the American AEG national group that is having its annual conference this week in Portland, Oregon. We have close to 500 at this event, and I gave the keynote address this morning and led a field trip yesterday — weather is super. 

There are many geodisasters happening around the world. Typhoon Haikui hit southern China and caused over 100 landslides with lots of flooding. In Hong Kong the same typhoon has endangered many mansions on the slopes. There is an update on the Libya dams that collapsed causing so much flooding. Also, Kilauea volcano has erupted again in Hawaii, U.S. 

Please note that the deadline for abstracts for the 14th International Symposium on Landslides is Sept. 30, 2023!