2nd Australia and NZ Geosynthetics Conference (GEOANZ #2)


The 2nd Australia and NZ Geosynthetic Conference is going to be held in Melbourne, Victoria, from 9 to 11 July 2024. The theme of the conference is ‘Advances in Geosynthetics.’ It includes several sub-themes such as environmental containment, coastal protection, infrastructure reinforcement, and stabilisation, which should be relevant to AGS members. With its combination of keynotes, presentations and workshops, the conference promises to be an excellent learning opportunity and a meeting place for fellow professionals, to engage with colleagues from around Australia, New Zealand and hopefully beyond.

To find out more visit: Home – GEOANZ #2 (geoanzconference.com.au)

And to register: Registration – GEOANZ #2 (geoanzconference.com.au)