The Canadian Geotechnical Society is hosting the presentation: Advances in transportation geotechnics with special reference to railways by Distinguished Professor Buddhima Indraratna, AM, on Friday, 28 March 2025, 10-11:30am AEDT.
Registration can be made via Eventbrite.
Registration fee
Students: Free
Non Canadian Geotechnical Society Members: CA$20.00
A ballasted track is commonly used for several reasons, including economic considerations, load-bearing capacity, rapid drainage and ease of maintenance. During track operations, ballast progressively deteriorates and the infiltration of fluidized fines (mud pumping) from the underlying substructure decreases its shear strength and impedes drainage, while increasing track deformation and associated maintenance. A primary focus of these upgrades should be the incorporation of sustainable materials and environmentally friendly practices. The use of artificial inclusions (e.g. geosynthetics) for enhanced soil-structure interaction is well-known, but their performance under repeated dynamic loading in terms of longevity and enhanced track performance requires more insightful understanding. In this presentation, the above aspects will be addressed through fully instrumented case studies and large-scale 1:1 physical modelling. Based on innovations with associated patents, the use of recycled rubber tyre assemblies infilled with waste materials as an energy-absorbing foundation, as well as the use of impact-damping rubber mats and grids made from recycled conveyor belts to reduce track degradation will be described.

Distinguished Professor Buddhima Indraratna, AM Director Transport Research Centre Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology University of Technology Sydney, NSW Australia
Distinguished Prof uddhima Indraratna, a Member of the Order of Australia, is a Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, and Director of Transport Research Centre, at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. He is a Civil Engineering graduate from Imperial College, London, and obtained his PhD from the University of Alberta in 1987. He received the honour of 2024 Jose E. Ibarra International Civil Engineer Award in Madrid, and Sir John Holland Civil Engineer of the Year 2024 awarded by Engineers Australia. Other recognitions include ISSMGE’s 1st Ralph Proctor and 4th Menard Lectures. Prof Indraratna has successfully supervised over 120 PhD students and Postdoctoral Fellows. He has produced over 1000 publications including 13 Books and is now amongst the most highly cited geotechnical engineers worldwide. He has been a consultant to various organizations worldwide, and a former United Nations expert. He is a Fellow of the prestigious Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE) and a life member of the Australian Geomechanics Society.