This course is organised and presented by The Geological Society in the UK and is being offered by them at a discounted rate to AGS members.
This course will be held virtually over 6 modules, starting at 09:00 BST. Each session will last approximately 1.5 hours, depending on audience participation, on the following dates:
Module 1: 15 April 2025
Module 2: 23 April 2025
Module 3: 30 April 2025
Module 4: 7 May 2025
Module 5: 14 May 2025
Module 6: 20 May 2025
AGS members wishing to register for this course should do so via the course website and should quote PARTNER15 to obtain the discounted rate.
This course is aimed at construction professionals, engineering geologists, hydrogeologists and regulators who require an understanding of temporary works groundwater control techniques or who need to refresh and improve their knowledge. The course will be delivered in six modules covering:
- Basic concepts of groundwater flow, pore water pressures, effective stress, settlement and stability.
- Dewatering techniques including their range of application and advantages and disadvantages.
- Pumping test design and analysis, water treatment systems and regulatory regimes.
- Dewatering strategies for excavations, shafts and tunnels.
- Design procedures for groundwater control systems and monitoring arrangements.
- Risks, potential offsite impacts and mitigation strategies.
Each module will make extensive use of the practical experience of the presenters together with case studies from around the world.

Dr Toby Roberts, CGeol Chairman, WJ Groundwater Ltd
Toby Roberts is an expert in the design and implementation of groundwater control systems for large excavations, foundations and tunnels with 40 years contract experience in Europe, the Middle East and Canada. Toby is a founder member and current Chairman of the international dewatering contractor WJ Groundwater. He has authored/co-authored more than 40 publications on construction dewatering including CIRIA C750 (2016), the current best practice guide for construction dewatering. Dr Toby Roberts is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineers, a Chartered Geologist and Charted Civil Engineer.

Prof William Powrie Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Southampton
William Powrie is Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Southampton and former Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment. Williams main areas of interest are in geotechnical aspects of transport infrastructure, and sustainable waste and resource management with particular expertise in groundwater control, in-ground construction to reduce environmental impacts in urban and other sensitive areas, understanding and mitigating vegetation and climate change effects, and fundamental soil behaviour. William has authored or co-authored 150 papers in international journals, CIRIA report C750 Groundwater control – design and practice, 2nd edition (2016) and C760 Guidance on embedded retaining wall design (2017) and the widely respected textbook, Soil mechanics: concepts and applications. Prof William Powrie is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineers and a Chartered Civil Engineer.

Dr Gary Holmes, FGS Chief Technical Officer, WJ Groundwater Ltd
Gary Holmes interests are in contracting and consultancy in geotechnical engineering & hydrogeology specialising in construction dewatering, ground source energy systems, groundwater remediation, pumping test interpretation and numerical modelling. Gary is Chief Technical Officer for the international dewatering contractor WJ Groundwater Ltd with responsibility for the management and development of WJ’s engineering and technical operations. This includes remediation, instrumentation and monitoring, ground source energy systems, thermal response testing, pumping tests and dewatering system design in Europe, Canada, the Middle East and the Philippines. Gary is a Fellow of the Geological Society.