AGS Best PhD Thesis Prize in Geotechnical Engineering, University of Tasmania (UTAS)

The Prize

The prize will be presented to honour outstanding achievements by UTAS PhD students who are studying in the field of geotechnical engineering. One prize will be awarded annually during the last AGS Tasmania Chapter event prior to the end of the financial year.

The Prize Committee

The Prize Committee is formed by the AGS Tasmania Chapter committee members, including the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Eligibility criteria

The prize nominee must be a former full-time PhD student at UTAS, with a PhD thesis in the area of geotechnical engineering which is successfully completed and examined in the year of, or in the year prior to, the nomination.

Selection criteria

The prize will be awarded to the former full-time PhD student who presents the best combination of thesis and scientific journal articles on a geotechnical engineering topic. Although the prize is not limited to AGS members, the AGS membership will be taken into consideration in the selection process.

Procedure of the selection process

Nominations are requested from January 15th and received up to May 15th. The nomination should be submitted to the Chapter’s secretary by the PhD supervisor and should address the significance of the PhD thesis. The members of the Prize Committee rank the nominees in priority order. The Prize Committee makes its decisions up to June 1st and awards the prize by June 30th.

