The AGS NSW Young Geomechanical Professionals Award

About the award

The AGS NSW Young Geomechanical Professionals’ Night (YGPN) Award is presented annually by the Sydney Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society to acknowledge the contribution of young engineers to the geotechnical profession and to the society. The YGPN is a highlight on the AGS calendar, offering a great opportunities to the early and mid-career geotechnical engineers and engineer geologists to showcase their work as well as building their professional portfolio.”

The best applicants (from industry and universities) are chosen to give a 10-minute presentation on their preferred topic. Successful applicants will be selected based on a half-page abstract on the subject that they propose to present and a one-page CV.

Talks need not be overly technical or theoretical but should reflect interesting and challenging aspects of the presenter’s work that would be of interest to the geotechnical community. Participation is open to industry participants under the age of 35 as of 30th September of the year of the award.

Entries will also be reviewed for the potential to be presented at the AGS Symposium later in the year and shortlisted applicants may be invited to prepare a paper for the AGS journal. Applicants who are chosen to present at the YGP Night are ineligible to apply for the 2022 AGS NSW Research Award on the same topic.


Past winners