Applied Landslide Risk Assessment

Aims of the Course
This course will be conducted over 2 stages: a 1-day seminar followed by a 3-day field course.
The principal objective of this course is to teach students the fundamentals of landslide risk assessment and how to collect information and make observations in the field to support effective landslide risk assessments. The teaching method is based on examples and guided field exercises, in which the students learn by carrying out realistic project related work in the classroom and/or field whilst being supervised by very experienced practitioners.
Students who complete the course should be able to achieve the following:
Day 1: Seminar
- Be familiar with the Australian Geomechanics Society Guidelines for Landslide Risk Assessment (AGS 2007).
- Understand the importance of a desk study and use desk study information to inform field assessment.
- Undertake risk to life and risk to property calculations for a range of scenarios.
Days 2-4: Field Course
- Communicate more successfully with other professionals, involved in landslide engineering and landslide risk management.
- Develop effective field techniques for mapping and observing landslides.
- Recognize a variety of landslide types and identify landslide hazards.
- Observe and understand the geological and geomorphological features associated with landslides, record them on maps and develop different types of geological models for a project area with a landslide problem.
- Understand landslide mechanisms, processes and process rates and estimate the probability of landslide processes and consequences occurring.
- Identify elements at risk from landslide
- Form judgements on what might be regarded as reasonable inputs into a landslide risk assessment using AGS 2007 or similar guidelines.
Who should attend?
This course is designed for geologists and engineers involved in landslide engineering and landslide risk management. It is envisaged that participants will have some industry experience, some familiarity with assessing landslides, and wish to enhance and develop their field skills.
The field course will be limited to 24 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please contact Darren Paul to discuss whether the AGS Applied Landslide Risk Assessment Course to be held in Melbourne is suitable for you.
Accreditation and Presenters
The course is run by the Australian Geomechanics Society and is recognized by Engineers Australia as meeting an equivalent of 40 hours of CPD. Engineering geologists Darren Paul, Tony Miner, Chris Coulson and others will present the course on behalf of the Australian Geomechanics Society. A teacher to student ratio of around 1 to 6 will be maintained throughout the field component of the course.
Course Outline
Participants will be accommodated in hotels in and around Melbourne and will travel each day from the hotel by coach to the teaching sites. The course will be undertaken over 4 days, 3 nights and will visit a variety of landslide and rock fall sites. The indicative course outline is set out on the following page.
Assessment of Deliverables — Field Component
Most exercises will involve a deliverable which will be individually assessed by the course presenters and feedback provided in the field. Some team exercises will be presented to the group as a whole in the evening workshops. Each participant will be verbally advised as to the standard of their work. Upon successful completion of the course participants will be given a certificate of attendance.
Registration Fee
The registration fee is $4,100 for members and $4,300 for non-members.
The fee includes all instruction, 3 nights accommodation, course notes, and transport for field trips. The fee also includes all breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 dinners throughout the course. Other meals and accommodation are not included in the registration fee and students will be given the opportunity to arrange their own meals.
Our strong preference is for all participants to stay at the nominated hotels. If you would like to discuss making arrangements for your own accommodation, please contact Darren Paul via [email protected].
Accommodation & Transport
1-Day Seminar, Thursday 13 November: Seminar will be at or near the University of Melbourne in Carlton (venue TBA). Dinner will be held in the Melbourne University/ Carlton area. Overnight accommodation is the Travel Inn Hotel, Carlton , Cnr. Drummond and Grattan Streets Carlton. Breakfast included.
Friday 14 November: Accommodation at York on Lilydale, Mount Evelyn in the outer east of Melbourne. Breakfast included.
Saturday 15 November: Accommodation at Rydges Geelong. Breakfast and lunch included.
DAY 1 (Seminar)
Thursday 13 November, 9:30am – 5:30pm
- Full day seminar on landslides risk assessment covering basic principles of landslides risk assessment, use of the Australian Geomechanics Society Guidelines for Landslide Risk Management (AGS 2007) and worked examples.
- Course dinner and introduction to field component.
Friday 14 November, 7:00am – 9:30pm
- Full day training and mapping exercise at Montrose debris flow observing source areas, mapping run out zones and identifying elements at risk.
- Evening seminar and overnight accommodation in Kalorama, concluding 9:30pm.
Saturday 15 November, 7:00am – 9:30pm
- Mapping and LRM exercise at Plantes Hill Landslide Mooroolbark, with focus on assessing elements at risk from landslide.
- Walkover and discussion at deep seated coastal landslide at The Dell, Clifton Springs.
- Rockfall mapping and risk assessment exercise at The Bluff, Barwon Heads.
- Evening seminar and feedback on rockfall mapping and hazard assessment exercise.
- Overnight accommodation in Geelong.
Sunday 16 November, 7:00am – 6:00pm
- Mapping, frequency and LRM exercise on complex landslide at Cut Hill Landslide, Parwan Valley.
- Visit to Niddrie quarry to observe rock fall remediation and treatment.
- Airport drop off at 5pm, return to Melbourne at 6pm.
Cancellation Policy
Please review our guidelines for discounts and refunds before purchasing.
Members are required to log in to access the AGS member price, which is not transferable.
More information about logging in to this website can be found here.
Payment via credit card is available and processed by Stripe. The Australian Geomechanics Society will not store or have access to your credit card information, and Stripe adhere to strict security and PCI compliance for processing online transactions.
Upon purchase, an email and a tax invoice will be sent to the buyer. Attendees will also receive an email with their tickets attached, as well as a link to download the tickets if they are misplaced.
Login to access member pricing