2020 Annual General Meeting and Chair’s Address
An Antarctic Geotechnical Experience
Chris Coulson
2020 Annual General Meeting
The Victoria Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society invites you to its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 2nd of December 2020. The AGM will be followed by a short Chair’s Address.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19-related restrictions on public gatherings in metropolitan Melbourne, we are unable to hold our Annual Dinner this year. Our committee is awaiting an easing of Government restrictions, and is looking forward to recommencing in-person events when the situation allows. This will hopefully involve a belated celebration of our 50-year anniversary, which occurred during 2020.
2020 Chair’s Address: An Antarctic Geotechnical Experience

The Australian Government’s 2016 Australian Antarctic Strategy committed to a range of activities aimed at supporting national interests in Antarctica, including the investigation of year-round air access between Australia and Antarctica. The Government subsequently announced its intention to construct a runway in the ice-free Vestfold Hills near Davis research station, subject to environmental and other Government approvals.
In 2018 Chris Coulson joined other geotechnical professionals as part of the 72nd Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition (ANARE), bound for Davis Station. The team planned and conducted preliminary investigations, characterising ground conditions to inform runway site selection and preliminary design.
Chris’s 2020 Chair’s Address will introduce the Davis Aerodrome Project, and discuss some of the challenges associated with geotechnical investigation and design in one of the most remote and inhospitable locations on Earth.
About the speaker
Chris Coulson AECOM Associate Director – Ground Engineering and Tunnelling
Chris is a geotechnical engineer and geologist with AECOM, based in the Melbourne office.
Over the past twenty years he has worked on projects across Australia and internationally. His involvement has ranged from project feasibility and alignment selection, through to site investigation and developing engineering ground models, leading geotechnical designs, design review and technical advisor roles, construction-phase support, and post-construction services. Chris has also been an active committee member with the Australian Geomechanics Society for the past thirteen years, serving at both local and National levels.
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