2021 AGS Sydney Chapter Debate Night
Andrew Jackaman, David Airey, Emilie Lapointe and Mehdi Hajian
AGS Sydney Chapter proudly presents a debate session in December 2021 on a hot topic, shortlisted by the AGS members:
We are not doing enough to develop our junior geotechnical practitioners to question what they see and what it means
It will be lively night, which starts with short talks by the expert panel on the topic and then the audience will have the opportunity to share their thoughts and raise their questions to the panel.
This event will take place on Zoom via https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89077379261?pwd=NnF3dEdZYWVSc0NNQXVzalBLd012QT09
Expert Panel

Andrew Jackaman Principal Geotechnical Engineer, JK Geotechnics

David Airey Professor, School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney

Emilie Lapointe Principal Geotechnical Engineer, CPEng Pointe Geotechnical Engineering

Mehdi Hajian Business Development and Engineering Manager, Bachy Soletanche Australia
Login to view the video of this meeting.
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