2023 GHD Prize in Geomechanics – Presentation from Finalists

Finalists: Nicolas Gilbert, Abigail Watman and Matthew West

The GHD Prize in Geomechanics is an award sponsored by the firm GHD and presented by the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) Newcastle Chapter for the best final year undergraduate project in the area of geomechanics at The University of Newcastle, Australia. The award is intended to encourage students to undertake projects in the area of geomechanics and remain engaged with the geomechanics community upon graduation. 

The prize finalists for 2023 are:

Nicolas Gilbert

“Suction Effects on Particle Strength and Water Retention Properties of Colluvial Sediments”

Abigail Watman

“Structural Mapping and Stability Analysis of a Sub-Vertical Coastal Rock Cliff in the Newcastle Area (Site 1)”

Matthew West

“Application of Recent Developments of Rockfall Monitoring Systems to Open-pit Sub-vertical Rock Faces”

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