30 Years in Geosynthetics

Rod Fyfe

Rod commenced his geosynthetics career just over 30 years ago, after 17 years of exposure to the civil engineering industry employed in 1977 as a cadet with Department of Main Roads Tasmania. Moving to Adelaide in 1984, Rod further developed experience with the Adelaide City Council, Kinhill Engineers and Stockport Civil, serving as an estimator for 5 years. Rod was appointed State Manager for SA and NT, opening an office and small warehouse for Geofabrics in Edwardstown in late 1994. The mandate for the role was a focus on meeting industry clients, being able to play golf, as well as navigating the resultant stock and purchase order processes. Rod will present his own journey learning new and unique products, technology and specifications as well as applications on projects of note. Innovative solutions, huge undertakings, traps for the inexperienced and coincidences highlight Rods interesting career. The role has also provided great opportunities for Rod travel to most parts of SA and NT, as well as New Zealand and South Africa where Geofabrics parent family company resides.

Rod Fyfe Training Manager, Geofabrics, past SA/NT Chapter Chair

Rod is currently employed as National Training Manager for Geofabrics A/Asia, responsible also for technical solutions and account management for waste and containment projects in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Rod has over 28 years experience across all geosynthetic applications including waste containment lining systems, drainage products, ground stabilisation and paving fabrics, providing solutions to the civil engineering industry.

Rod has over the last 17 years been involved in the research and development of landfill lining protection, geotextile road paving and subsoil drainage systems and geogrid pavement subgrade  stabilisation over expansive clay, with results published in papers and presented at industry conferences.

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