Bowen Basin Open Cut Geotechnical Society and Australian Geomechanics Society Joint Event
Professor David Williams
Professor Williams has a Civil Engineering degree with First Class Honours from Monash University and a PhD in Soil Mechanics at Cambridge University England. David is the Golder Professor of Geomechanics and Director of the Geotechnical Engineering Centre within the School of Civil Engineering at The University of Queensland (UQ). David will be presenting on Settlement of High Coal Mine Spoil Piles.
Dr Marc Elmouttie
Dr Elmouttie is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering. He is a physicist with over 10 years experience in researching and developing technologies for both mineral exploration and mining. Marc will be presenting on Improving Analysis and Prediction of Geotechnical Hazards.
Alison McQuillan
Alison is a Geotechnical Coordinator for Anglo American Metallurgical Coal based in Brisbane and the Chair of the newly formed BBOCGS group aiming to increase knowledge sharing in the geotechnical field. Alison will be presenting on Comparison of Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning Output Data for Use in Mapping Joints in Open Cut Highwalls.
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