AGS SA-NT Annual Seminar 2018
Design and construction of earthworks and pavements on expansive clay
Seminar Fully Subscribed
The SA-NT Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) is pleased to announce the 2018 Seminar titled “Design and construction of earthworks and pavements on expansive clay”, which is to be held on Monday 15th October 2018.
The Seminar forms part of the continuing program of technical events organised by the SA-NT Chapter of the AGS and is designed to keep the engineering profession aware of current practice and recent developments in aspects of the design and construction of earthworks and pavements on expansive clays and the challenges and opportunities involved.
The seminar will bring together professional engineers, researchers, specialist contractors, regulators, educators and students to share and discuss their experiences on the topic of the design and construction of earthworks and pavements on expansive clay and associated challenges and opportunities. Best practices, case histories and innovative solutions for dealing with these challenges will be presented and discussed, with a particular emphasis on the geotechnical challenges affecting the Adelaide area.
The seminar will cover the following topics:
- Understanding unsaturated soil behaviour in relation to earthworks and pavement design – Implementation of AS 2870 for earthworks design in Adelaide, suggested improvements and alternative approaches
- Earthworks and pavement design for expansive clay
- Subgrade treatment methods and movement mitigation measures including for example: excavation and replacement; lime stabilisation/modification; and use of geosynthetics – Design and construction of airport pavements and rail track on expansive clay
- Case studies
- Pavement instrumentation and monitoring
Engineers Australia members participating in AGS technical sessions can record attendance on their personal CPD logs. Members should refer to Engineers Australia CPD policy for details on CPD types, requirements and auditing guidelines.