AGS Sydney Symposium 2025
Climate Responsive Ground Engineering
The Australian Geomechanics Society Sydney Chapter is holding its 29th annual Symposium on Friday 14 November 2025: ‘Climate Responsive Ground Engineering’. The symposium forms part of the continuing program of events organised by the AGS Sydney Chapter. It aims to encourage ideas and discussions about one of the key aspects of design, construction and research which are becoming more prevalent in industry and academia.
The symposium will showcase state-of-the-art practices, emerging research, and practical case studies in climate-responsive ground engineering and related fields.
The organising committee welcomes submissions of all papers covering various aspects of geomechanics and geotechnical engineering from practitioners and researchers.
Suggested topics
- Climate Change Impacts on Geomechanics
- Resilient, Adaptive and Smart Infrastructure
- Changes to Geohazard Mitigation and Risk Management
- Sustainable, Low-Carbon and Energy Efficient Ground Engineering
- Advanced Monitoring Techniques
- Predictive Modelling and Data-Driven Analysis
- Geosynthetics for Climate Change Adaptation
- Other topics
And More!
Diversity in ideas and experiences is valued, contributing to the richness of the community. Should the work fall outside the specified topics, submission is still encouraged. Unique perspectives and insights are vital to the vibrant exchange of knowledge within the field.
Papers that have been previously published will not be accepted for the symposium.
Abstract Format
One-page abstracts should be submitted in the following format:
- Title of presentation (font type: Times New Roman Bold, font size: 14, alignment: centre)
- Authors’ full names (font type: Times New Roman Bold, font size: 10, alignment: centre)
- Authors’ full affiliation and address including position, name of company/university, email address and contact number (font type: Times New Roman Italic, font size: 10, alignment: centre)
- Underline the presenter’s name (only one presenter)
- Abstract’s text, maximum 500 words (font type: Times New Roman, font style: regular, font size: 10, alignment: left justified)
- Page layout with 20 mm margins (top, bottom, left and right)
- In the covering email sent to the organising committee, author(s) must confirm that the abstract and the proposed paper have not been previously published.
Download the Australian Geomechanics abstract template.
Important Dates & Submission
Abstracts must be submitted by 15 May 2025, with papers to be completed by 30 June 2025. All papers will be peer-reviewed and should be submitted in the Australian Geomechanics journal format.
The final version of the papers, after addressing any reviewers’ comments, must be submitted by 11 August 2024.
All abstracts and papers should be submitted via the form below.
By submitting a paper for the symposium, the author(s) are giving permission for the AGS to publish the paper in the proceedings and other AGS national publications.
Organising Committee
- Alice Clark, Aurecon (Organising Committee Coordinator)
- Ali Parsa, JK Geotechnics
- Hadi Khabbaz, University of Technology Sydney
- Cholachat Rujikiat-kamjorn, University of Technology Sydney
- Saman Zargarbashi, WSP
- Sam Mirlatifi, Arcadis
- AHM Kamruzzaman (Zaman), TfNSW
- Mehdi Tamadon, GHD
- Mehrnaz Alibeikloo, WSP
- Hamid Mortazavi Bak, Beca
- Ali Arefnia, Intrax
- Pan Hu, Western Sydney University
Abstract Submission
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