AGS Sydney Young Geomechanical Professionals’ Night
The Sydney Chapter of AGS is calling for presenters for the Young Geomechanical Professionals’ Night on Wednesday 11th June 2025.
The best applicants (from industry and universities) will be chosen to give a 10-minute presentation on their preferred topic. Successful applicants will be selected based on a half-page abstract on the subject that they propose to present and a one-page CV (deadline 21st March). Following selection, presentations are due by 14th April for referees’ review. Final presentations including accommodating referees’ comments would be due by 5th May.
Talks need not be overly technical or theoretical but should reflect interesting and challenging aspects of the presenter’s work that would be of interest to the geotechnical community.
There might be a poster session for the YGPN 2025. The applicants, who are selected, will be informed on the session requirements.
Participation is open to industry and academic participants under the age of 35 as of 1st January 2025.
Submissions have now closed.
Engineers Australia members participating in AGS technical sessions can record attendance on their personal CPD logs. Members should refer to Engineers Australia CPD policy for details on CPD types, requirements and auditing guidelines.