Annual AGS Symposium – The geotechnical life cycle, from investigation to delivery
Suzanne Lacasse, Oliver Batchelor, Richard Evans, Jody Todd, Mike Straughton, Fred Baynes, Allan Mcconnell, Martin Silec
Speaker Biographies
Suzanne Lacasse (NGI), Technical Director, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
“Extension of the 8th Terzaghi Oration. Protecting society from landslides: Cases studies from investigation to delivery”
Oliver Batchelor, General Manager, KELLER
“From Mud Ponds to Mining Port – Investigation, Design, Testing, Implementation and Verification of Ground Improvement Works at NCIG”
Richard Evans, Managing Geotechnical Engineer, GHD
“Smart Investigations and their influence on design”
Jody Todd, Mine Planning Manager, BMA COAL (BHP BILLITON)
“The Mining Journey – Open Cut and Underground Cycles and Learnings on the way”
Mike Straughton, Principle, ARUP
“The geotechnical life (or death) cycle: lessons between designers and contracts on Airport Link”
Fred Baynes, Consultant Engineering Geologist, BAYNES GEOLOGIC
“Optimizing Geoscience inputs during the project life cycle”
Allan Mcconnel, Owner, Insitu Geotech Services
“How does site investigation facilitate delivery?”
Martin Silec, Owner, CONCRIB
“The impact of insufficient geotechnical investigation on the design and costs of retaining structures”
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