Annual General Meeting and Annual Dinner
Various speakers
Annual General Meeting
The AGM will include reports from the Chairman and Treasurer followed by elections for the 2011 committee.
Chairman’s Address: An Expert System Approach to the Identification of Geological Uncertainty
Outgoing chair Darren Paul will briefly present an overview of his work into the development of an expert system aimed at communicating concepts around geological uncertainty to non technical stakeholders.
Annual Dinner
Our annual end-of-year dinner will be held at University House, the University of Melbourne, the same location as the AGM.
After Dinner Speaker: Gerry Noonan, Reflections on a Career in Geotechnical Contracting
Gerry will entertain us over dinner with anecdotes from his 50 year career in geotechnical contracting.
Engineers Australia members participating in AGS technical sessions can record attendance on their personal CPD logs. Members should refer to Engineers Australia CPD policy for details on CPD types, requirements and auditing guidelines.