Directional Drilling Tour

Tamar Estuary River Health Action Plan (TERHAP) Project

The Tamar Estuary River Health Action Plan (TERHAP) Project is a jointly funded initiative to deliver water quality improvements to the River Tamar system. Currently, the region uses a combined sewer stormwater system, which overflows during peak storm events directly in River Tamar. The TERHAP Project aims to implement a new stormwater handling system intended to minimise sewer overflow into the river system.

The project’s route starts from the new Margaret Street Pump Station, runs across River Tamar, follows West Tamar Highway (along West Tamar Walking Track) to Tailrace Park, crosses Tamar River into Gilmore Street and terminates at Ti Tree Bend Treatment Plant. The northern river crossing has been completed, and the southern crossing is currently being constructed by Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD).

Details on the TERHAP Project are available at

This site visit is an opportunity to gain an understanding of the geotechnical challenges faced by the directional drilling and observe the drill in operation at close range. Dino Everts (Taswater CDO) and Wayne Griffioen (geotechnical engineer with Tasman Geotechnics) will give a brief explanation of the TERHAP project.


All participants MUST provide their own PPE and wear it on site. The required minimum PPE comprises:

Note regarding photography

TasWater will be taking photos and video of the attendees to use to promote the visit, which may include TasWater print and social media. TasWater will seek permission from the attendees to use their images.

Engineers Australia members participating in AGS technical sessions can record attendance on their personal CPD logs. Members should refer to Engineers Australia CPD policy for details on CPD types, requirements and auditing guidelines.