Geo-Conversation roundtable discussion on “Excessive Number of Potholes in Roads and Highways Following Weeks of Floods and Heavy Rain — Reasons, Challenges and Solutions”
Following weeks of heavy rain and floods in many parts of Australia, excessive number of potholes and damage to roads and highways are evident more than ever. These weather battered roads not only jostle everyone while driving, but they can also damage vehicles and content and are considered as safety hazards. Severe weather conditions, poor drainage, compaction, construction, and design are some of the possible reasons that can lead to increasing number of potholes. In this roundtable discussion, key reasons behind damage to roads following heavy rains and floods, challenges resulting in the situation and possible solutions to prevent damage to the roads will be discussed openly. Panellists come from different sectors including asset owners, designers, builders and academics will share their views and experiences.

Ms. Shelly Fraser Executive Branch Manager, Roads ACT

Mr. Sam Henwood Director Ground Engineering, Transport for NSW

Ms. Lise Sperling Executive Director NSW/ACT, AfPA

Dr. Jeffery Lee National Pavement Lead and Principal, WSP Australia

Mr. Paul Morassut Technical and Innovation Manager, Fulton Hogan

Mr. Carlos Solis-Navarro Principal, AECOM

Dr. Jianfeng Xue Senior Lecturer, UNSW ADFA

Ms. Jen Kemp Senior Engineer, ARUP

A/Prof. Behzad Fatahi Head of Discipline-Geotechnical and Transportation Eng, UTS and AGS moderator
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