Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year 2010 and Civil Engineer of the Year 2011
Andrew Leventhal
Andrew’s presentation will cover:
- Salient features and “take-away” lessons from some of the geotechnical projects selected from his portfolio over the last 4 decades;
- Background to the development of the Landslide Risk Management framework for Australia, dealing more with the challenges and issues in bringing the framework to fruition than specifically the guidelines themselves; and
- Particular (and dare it be said) novel applications and challenging geotechnical responses, and their interpretation, for a current project relating to management of the Main Southern Railway south of Sydney during underground longwall mining, whilst permitting safe operation of the railway together with unimpeded mining.
About the speaker
Andrew Leventhal
Andrew’s experience has included many aspects in the fields of geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics. This has included: the organisation and supervision of site investigations and the associated recommendations for: foundation design; land and slope stability; pavement designs for lightly trafficked roadways as well as heavy duty dedicated haul roads; pit top facilities for open cut and underground coal and uranium mines; dam engineering involving foundation investigation, embankment analysis, hydrological analysis and yield assessment, and construction supervision; design of emplacement facilities for discard of coal washery reject covering a number of collieries and to a total in excess of 200 million tonnes of reject.
Recent tasks have been associated with the management of the consequences of underground mine subsidence upon major infrastructure elements – mainline railway and stored water reservoirs.
Andrew has also been the behind-the-scenes driving force for the AGS Sub-committee on Landslide Risk Management, being involved: from the initial (world-first) publication in 1985, through development of AGS (2000), the Risky Roadshow (2002 and 2011), development of AGS (2007), representation of AGS at international LRM workshops, and the launch of the interactive website for Landslide Risk Management Education Empowerment (July 2012).
Andrew was President of Sydney Division of Engineers Australia for two consecutive terms (2000 & 2001) and Chair of the AGS National Committee in 2002 & 2003.
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