Geotechnical risk on large scale infrastructure projects
Chris Bridges
This is a co-hosted event between the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Queensland Local Association and the QLD Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS)
The overarching topic of the event is ‘Geotechnical risk on large scale infrastructure projects’, and the Webinar will specifically cover the following:
- The different geotechnical risks likely to be encountered on your projects
- Understanding how geotechnical risks can impact your projects performance
- Ideas for reducing geotechnical risks on your project
About the speaker
Chris Bridges Technical Principal SMEC
Chris has over 30 years of international consulting experience, having worked in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia.
Since arriving in Brisbane in 2004 he has worked some of the largest infrastructure projects in Queensland that have been carried out including: the Gateway Upgrade Project and Gateway Upgrade North, Brisbane Airport Link, Inner Northern Busway Sections 1 and 2, Wivenhoe Dam Upgrade and Moreton Bay Rail Link.
Chris is currently Chair of the QLD Committee of the AGS and sits on the Standards Committee for the revision of AS4678, Earth retaining structures.
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