Geotechnical Testing Refresher: The Triaxial Test
Dr. Michael Munro
From the view of a former technician, now consultant, the aim of this presentation is to refresh your understanding of triaxial testing. Triaxial testing is industry standard for assessing the strength of materials such as soils. Unlike scheduling other laboratory tests, triaxial testing requires an additional degree of contribution from consultants that is frequently not provided. Along with the misinterpretation of results, this can lead to significant discrepancies when interpreting parameters for a given material. Adaptable methodologies (do’s and don’ts) and case studies will be provided regarding the sampling, scheduling, and interpretation of results pertinent to triaxial testing.
About the speaker
Dr. Michael Munro Senior Geotechnical Engineer
ATC Williams
Dr. Munro began his engineering career at ATC Williams in 2011 while completing his postgraduate studies at RMIT University. From his studies at RMIT and employment at ATCW, Michael has gained extensive knowledge pertaining to triaxial testing of soils, tailings and mineral ores. This involved acquiring, assembling, and operating both monotonic and dynamic, as well as mechanical and pneumatic triaxial apparatus. Up until the completion of his postgraduate studies, he worked conjointly with laboratory technicians to refine in-house triaxial testing techniques. Currently, while working on a wide range of projects in the civil, geotechnical and mining engineering fields, Michael continues to remotely assist ATC Williams laboratory technicians, as well as provide technical advice to consultants including promoting the advanced capabilities of triaxials.
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