Ground Treatment: Taming the Angryman, and other grouting challenges
Joe Evert and Bruce Grant
Presented by AGS Victoria together with ATS.
This is the third consecutive joint technical session between the ATS and the AGS under the heading of “Ground Treatment”.
This presentation will focus on the many varied applications for what we loosely term “grouting” but more specifically injection or pressure grouting for groundwater control and ground strengthening in both underground mining and civil tunnelling works.
Bruce Grant will present an overview across a diverse range of applications, mining and tunnelling, local and international, pre & post grouting, cementitious and chemical grouts, to highlight the flexibility and adaptability of the methods and materials.
Joe Evert will present two case studies, both mining, but very different challenges. One will focus on ground stability improvement to enable mining back through a backfilled stope. The other will focus on the numerous challenges of high pressure water in complex hydrogeology with multiple faults.
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