Improved understanding of Melbourne’s hydrogeology gained from investigations and numerical modelling of large civil infrastructure projects
Irena Krusic-Hrustanpasic – Principal, Golder Associates
The AGS together with the IAH invite you to this presentation.
About the presentation
The presentation will be presented by a Principal Hydrogeologist and will provide an overview of the hydrogeological setting and groundwater flow system within the Melbourne area using examples of hydrogeological investigation and modelling work undertaken for some of recent infrastructure projects including Melbourne Metro Rail and Melbourne Main Sewer Replacement projects.
About Irena Krusic-Hrustanpasic 
Irena Krusic-Hrustanpasic is a Principal at Golder Associates Pty Ltd. Irena has over 30 years’ experience in a wide range of groundwater projects including a variety of geotechnical, civil, environmental and remediation projects. She has been the lead hydrogeologist for a number of large infrastructure projects and complex groundwater contamination projects. In Melbourne, she has worked on Melbourne Metro Rail Project, West Gate Tunnel, Main Sewer Replacement, East West Link and CityLink. She specialises in aquifer hydraulic testing, development of conceptual three-dimensional geological and hydrogeological models and numerical flow models focussed on practical resolution for a variety of groundwater issues.
Venue location
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