International Women in Engineering Day: Technical Evening
Elisabeth Simbolon & Michelle Philipson, Adelaide Fielden and Ramathi Gunasekera
AGS QLD invites everyone to join in celebrating International Women in Engineering (+ Geology) Day on Thursday 22nd June at 5:30pm at City Winery.
The evening will include a number of short technical presentations by women in the Ground Engineering industry. We will be treated to the warm hospitality that ‘City Winery’ is known to provide – wine, beer and a selection of non-alcoholic drinks will be available, as well as a number of gourmet food options.

Elisabeth Simbolon & Michelle Philipson Principal Geotechnical Engineer, AECOM / Principal Geotechnical Engineer, Jacobs
“A Forensic Investigation on a Pipeline Corridor Impacted by a Landslip”

Adelaide Fielden Engineering Geologist, Aurecon
“Utilising geological principles for effective geotechnical design modelling”

Ramathi Gunasekera Geotechnical Engineer, EDG Consulting
“A challenge is an opportunity in disguise”

Tickets for this event have sold out.
Engineers Australia members participating in AGS technical sessions can record attendance on their personal CPD logs. Members should refer to Engineers Australia CPD policy for details on CPD types, requirements and auditing guidelines.