Introduction to the engineering geology of Hobart
Various Speakers
The Tasmanian Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society is hosting an introduction to the engineering geology of Hobart. The format will be a field trip to sites of engineering geological interest between Lower Sandy Bay and Taroona. We will view many of the main geological strata present around Hobart including Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Tertiary and Quaternary materials.
In attendance will be local geologists and geotechnical engineers who will share their experiences investigating, mapping and undertaking engineering projects in these materials. The field trip is intended to be interactive so please bring your own experiences along to share! Sturdy footwear and outdoor clothing appropriate for the conditions on the day is required.
Meet at 12:45 in the carpark of the Sandy Bay Sailing Club at the end of Long Point Road, Sandy Bay. We will car-pool using our own vehicles to visit the chosen sites. Following the field trip we will meet at the Riverview Inn for a drink and dinner for those who are interested.

Engineers Australia members participating in AGS technical sessions can record attendance on their personal CPD logs. Members should refer to Engineers Australia CPD policy for details on CPD types, requirements and auditing guidelines.