New developments on the Flat Dilatometer (DMT) and Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) for geotechnical and geophysical in situ testing
Diego Marchetti
The aim of the presentation is to describe the current state of art of the Flat Dilatometer (DMT) and Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) technology for soil characterization and the new recent development Medusa DMT. The working principle, test procedures, interpretation of geotechnical parameters and the main engineering applications will be illustrated for this testing equipment used in over 80 countries worldwide. Comparisons of results with other soil investigation instruments will be shown in well documented research test sites.

About the speaker
Diego Marchetti Marchetti Dilatometer
Eng. Diego Marchetti worked in cooperation with Professor Silvano Marchetti since 2001 and developed the Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) in 2004. Together they founded Studio Prof. Marchetti and started the worldwide distribution of the SDMT, which is used today in over 80 countries.
He is the coordinator of the production line of the DMT, SDMT and Medusa DMT equipment and is responsible for the research and development team of the company.
He has supervised SDMT testing in over 80 sites world-wide, a dozen of which in nearshore/offshore projects.
He delivered over 120 presentations on the testing equipment and its applications to design, mostly at International Conferences or as a guest speaker in Universities and Research Institutes.
He cooperates actively in research projects and is author/co-author of over 60 publications.
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