Piling Works Tour
New Bridgewater Bridge Project
The New Bridgewater Bridge Project’s Marine Team is proving a two-hour tour of the piling work for Tasmania’s newest bridge, hosted by Toby Cuthbert-Ashmore (Marine Area Manager). This is a unique opportunity to view piling works underway for the largest single transport infrastructure project in State history.
Capacity is limited to 15 on a first come, first serviced basis.
Tasmania’s New Bridgewater Bridge will provide a 1-km-long, four-lane crossing of River Derwent between Granton and Bridgewater. It will be the fifth bridge at this site and replaces the existing Bridgewater Bridge, erected in 1946.
Construction of the causeway accessing the western end of the current bridge started in 1830 with the first bridge completed in 1848. Complex valley-floor geology along this part of the valley floor – including soft channel-bottom alluvium as well as spatially and stratigraphically variable bedrock – present various challenges for bridge design and construction.
Transportation for this tour is by hired bus to and from the site (there in no option to arrive separately at the site). Please arrive in front of 4 Elizabeth Street no later than 9 am. Bus departure is shortly after 9 am, with return to the same location shortly before 1 pm. Participants are encouraged to arrive early to join AGS Chapter organisers for a tea at Hobart Coffee Roasters (1/1 Franklin Wharf) and to stay on for lunch in the Salamanca area directly following bus drop-off. These pre-trip and post-trip aspects provide excellent opportunities to discuss the field site and catch up with local Chapter members.

All participants MUST provide their own PPE and wear it on site. The required minimum PPE comprises:
- long trousers;
- long-sleeved shirt (if this shirt is not hi-vi, a hi-viz vest must be worn over the long-sleeved shirt and the vest must buttoned/zipped up while on site);
- steel-cap boots;
- safety glasses;
- hard hat.
Those who arrive to the site without PPE will not be able to join the group on the tour.
Pre-departure tea and post-trip lunch are optional and not included in the registration fee.
The New Bridgewater Bridge Project is graciously providing site access, with its Marine Team hosting and guiding the tour.
Tickets are strictly limit to 15 places and will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.
Members are required to log in to access the AGS member price.
More information about logging in to this website can be found here.
Payment via credit card is available and processed by Stripe. The Australian Geomechanics Society will not store or have access to your credit card information and Stripe adhere to strict security and PCI compliance for processing online transactions.
Upon purchase, an email and tax invoice will be sent to the buyer. Attendees will also receive an email with their tickets attached, as well as a link to download the tickets if they are misplaced.
Login to access member pricing
Login to access member pricing
Engineers Australia members participating in AGS technical sessions can record attendance on their personal CPD logs. Members should refer to Engineers Australia CPD policy for details on CPD types, requirements and auditing guidelines.