Student-Industry Networking Night

Discover the World of Geotechnical Engineering

Ever wondered what life is like as a Geotechnical Engineer? Curious about the career paths available to Civil Engineering graduates? This is your opportunity to find out.

The SA/NT Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society invites you to a tailored Networking Evening. It will provide a chance to connect with industry professionals from leading consultancies in a unique setting in the heart of the CBD.

This is a valuable opportunity to explore the field of geotechnical engineering and take the first step in building your professional network. Register now to secure your place.

What to Expect

Why Attend?

Tickets are FREE for all students and places are limited. Your ticket includes event access, canapés, and one free drink during the event. Additional drinks are available for purchase at the venue. Registration closes Sunday 23rd March.

Admittance of students to the event will not be permitted without a valid ticket. Confirmation by the event organisers is required for admittance of industry participants.

Industry Participation

If you are a practicing Geotechnical Engineer interested in attending and participating in the event please contact Jim Nguyen via [email protected]

You are invited to share your journey in Geotechnical engineering or similar career path via a panel interview. Please register below to express your interest and a member of our committee will contact you for further details.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The AGS are seeking industry sponsors for the event, if you are interested please contact Scott Williams via [email protected]

Gold Sponsorship ($350, limited to 2 places): Presentation at commencement of event, banner on display during event, logo on presentation throughout the event

Silver Sponsorship ($200): Banner on display during event, logo and mention at commencement of event. 

Sponsorship can be purchased online.


This event is FREE for all students to attend. Industry participants are invited to volunteer their time. However, registration via the AGS links below will be needed to secure a place at the event for both student and industry volunteer. Upon registration, student and industry participants will receive an email with their tickets attached, as well as a link to download the tickets if they are misplaced.

Student Ticket

Fully subscribed

$0.00 inc. GST
Industry Participant Ticket

Fully subscribed

$0.00 inc. GST

Engineers Australia members participating in AGS technical sessions can record attendance on their personal CPD logs. Members should refer to Engineers Australia CPD policy for details on CPD types, requirements and auditing guidelines.