AGS Sydney Symposium 2023
Sustainable Geotechnics in Design, Materials, Construction and Maintenance
The Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) Sydney Chapter is holding its 27th annual Symposium on Friday 10 November 2023, ‘Sustainable Geotechnics in design, materials, construction and maintenance’. The symposium forms part of the continuing program of events organised by the AGS Sydney Chapter. It aims to encourage ideas and discussions about one of the key aspects of design, construction and research which are becoming more prevalent in industry and academia.
Videos of symposium presentations can be found here.
The symposium will showcase state-of-the- art practices, new research findings and case histories that demonstrate sustainable design, construction and development.
The symposium presents an opportunity for professional engineers, researchers, specialist contractors, regulators, educators and students to meet and share their knowledge and experiences in geotechnical engineering.
Keynote/Invited Speakers

Prof. Nilo Cesar Consoli Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Reuse of Iron Exploitation Waste as a New Binder for Tailings Stabilisation in Dry Stacks: Circular Economy Approach

Prof. Buddhima Indraratna University of Technology of Sydney (UTS)
Innovative Use of Recycled Rubber Elements for Sustainable Rail Infrastructure

Prof. Hadi Khabbaz University of Technology of Sydney (UTS)
Exploring Impacts of Abundantly Available Sustainable By-Product Materials in Australia on Stabilizing Expansive Soils

James Ng and Nasser Khalili State Asphalt NSW and UNSW
Sydney’s First Road Made with Recycled Coffee Cups
Prof. Ernesto Villaescusa Chair of Rock Mechanics, Western Australian School of Mines, Curtin University
Investigation of a Calcinated Clay Product for Shotcrete Support
Saman Zargarbashi Principal Geotechnical Engineer, WSP
Opportunities for Sustainable Geotechnical Engineering Practice: Two Case Studies from Australia
Jessica Dalton Principal Geotechnical Engineer, WSP
Case Study Comparing Embodied Carbon Emissions in Two Road-Over-Rail Bridge Foundation Designs
Jason Hellmuth Technical Director, GHD
Sustainable Choices in Geotechnics – a Case Study of Quarry to Parkland Conversion
Hamid Mortazavi Bak Associate Geotechnical Engineer, Beca
Study on Shear Response of Biopolymer-MICP Treated Soil-Steel Interface
Sahyouni Adnan Geotechnical Engineer, Menard
Repowering of Wind Turbines Supported by CMC
Jonathan Cheng Graduate Engineer, Arup
Embodied Carbon Assessment of Geotechnical Works
Dr Asal Bidarmaghz Senior Lecturer, UNSW
Synergising Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering – Key Insights and Future Prospects
08:00-08:45: Registration
08:45-09:00: Opening address
Session 1: Sustainable Geotechnics in Design
09:00-09:35: Keynote lecture – Prof Nilo Consoli (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul): Reuse of Iron Exploitation Waste as A New Binder for Tailings Stabilization in Dry Stacks: Circular Economy Approach
09:35-09:55: Ms Jessica Dalton (WSP): Case Study Comparing Embodied Carbon Emissions in Two Road-Over- Rail Bridge Foundation Designs
09:55-10:15: Mr Jonathan Cheng (Arup): Embodied Carbon Assessment of Geotechnical Works 10:15-10:35: Q&A
10:35-11:05: Morning tea
Session 2: Sustainable Geotechnics in Construction
11:05-11:30: Invited Presentation – Mr James Ng (Kypreos Group): Sydney’s First Roads Made with Recycled Coffee Cups
11:30-11:50: Mr Jason Hellmuth (GHD): Sustainable choices in geotechnics – a case study of quarry to parkland conversion
11:50-12:10: Dr Saman Zargarbashi (WSP): Opportunities for Sustainable Geotechnical Engineering Practice: Two Case Studies from Australia
12:10-12:30: Q&A
12:30-13:30: Lunch
Session 3: Sustainable Geotechnics in Material
13:30-14:05: Keynote lecture – D/Prof Buddhima Indraratna (University Technology – Transport Research Centre): Innovative Use of Recycled Rubber Elements for Sustainable Rail Infrastructure
14:05-14:25: Prof Ernesto Villaescusa (Curtin University): Investigation of a calcinated clay product for shotcrete support
14:25-14:45: Dr Asal Bidarmaghz (University of New South Wales): Synergising Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering – Key Insights and Future Prospects
14:45-15:00: Q&A
15:00-15:30: Afternoon tea
Session 4: Sustainable Geotechnics in Maintenance
15:30-15:55: Invited Presentation – Prof Hadi Khabbaz (University Technology – Transport Research Centre): Exploring Impacts of Abundantly Available Sustainable By-Product Materials in Australia on Stabilizing Expansive
15:55-16:15: Mr Adnan Sahyouni (Menard):Repowering of Wind Turbines Supported by CMC
16:15-16:35: Dr Hamid Mortazavi Bak (Beca): Study on Shear Response of Biopolymer-MICP Treated Soil-Steel Interfaces (YGP Winner)
16:35-16:50: Q&A
16:50-17:10: Closing remarks
17:10-18:05: Networking and Drinks
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship packages and opportunities are available for the symposium. More information is available in the Sponsorship Opportunities flyer.
Potential sponsors are invited to contact Saman Zargarbashi via [email protected]
Organising Committee
- Mehdi Tamadon, GHD (Organising Committee Coordinator)
- Ali Parsa, JK Geotechnics
- Hadi Khabbaz, University of Technology Sydney
- Cholachat Rujikiat-kamjorn, University of Technology Sydney
- Saman Zargarbashi, WSP
- Sam Mirlatifi, GHD
- AHM Kamruzzaman (Zaman), TfNSW
- Alice Clark, Aurecon
- Meysam Safavian, SLR
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