AGS Sydney Symposium 2024
Advances in Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Keynote speakers: Prof Lidija Zdravkovic, Prof Jianhua Yin and Dr Richard Kelly
The Australian Geomechanics Society Sydney Chapter is holding its 28th annual Symposium on Friday 1 November 2024: ‘Advances in Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering’. The symposium forms part of the continuing program of events organised by the AGS Sydney Chapter. It aims to encourage ideas and discussions about one of the key aspects of design, construction and research which are becoming more prevalent in industry and academia.
The symposium will showcase state-of-the-art practices, new research findings and case histories that demonstrate advances in geomechanics and geotechnical engineering.
The organising committee welcomes submissions of papers covering various aspects of geomechanics and geotechnical engineering from practitioners and researchers.
The symposium presents an opportunity for professional engineers, researchers, specialist contractors, regulators, educators and students to meet and share their knowledge and experiences in geotechnical engineering.
Keynote Speakers

Prof Lidija Zdravkovic Imperial College London
The 62nd Rankine Lecturer: Geotechnical Engineering for a Sustainable Society

Prof Jianhua Yin Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Fully Coupled Numerical Methods and a Simple Method for Consolidation Analysis of Viscous Clayey Soils

Dr Richard Kelly SMEC
Creation of city scale landslide susceptibility maps using machine learning
Invited Speakers

Dr AHM Kamruzzaman Transport for NSW
Slope risk management using InSAR technology

Prof Chin Leo Western Sydney University
Evaluating impact loading from a heavy vehicle collision against traffic barriers integrated with retaining walls

Prof Samanthika Liyanapathirana Western Sydney University
Significance of anisotropy and structure in simulating natural clays

Dr David Oliveira Aurecon
Effective block size scaling for advanced rock modelling in practical applications

Dr Ali Parsa JK Geotechnics
Practical Implementation of Numerical analysis automation in geotechnical engineering with generative AI assistance: advantages and challenges
08:00-08:45 — Registration
8:45-10:40 — Session 1: Sustainability and Innovation in Geotechnical Engineering
- Opening address
- Keynote: The 62nd Rankine Lecturer: Geotechnical Engineering for a Sustainable Society
Prof Lidija Zdravkovic, Imperial College London - Invited: Slope risk management using InSAR technology
Dr AHM Kamruzzaman, TfNSW - Collaborative engagement for better city outcomes – building within the Sydney Metro First Reserve at 55 Pitt Street
Adrian Callus, Arup - Innovative and sustainability considerations of contaminated materials for embankment Construction of Coffs Harbour Bypass Project
Dr Jim Yang, Arcadis - Session 1 Q&A
10:40-11:00 — Morning tea
11:00-12:30 — Session 2: Innovations in Soil Testing and Ground Treatment Techniques
- Keynote: Creation of city scale landslide susceptibility maps using machine learning
Dr Richard Kelly, SMEC - Invitied: Significance of anisotropy and structure in simulating natural clays
Prof Samanthika Liyanapathirana, Western Sydney University - Application of advanced in-situ testing equipment and methodologies to characterise a low strength soil deposit in Sydney Harbour
Mark Chapman, Insitu Geotech Services - Concrete injection column ground treatment design within a brownfield site with compressible soils
Michael Lee, SMEC - Session 2 Q&A
- Research Award and YGPN Award Presentation
12:30-13:30 — Lunch
13:30-15:00 — Session 3: Numerical Modelling and AI
- Platinum Sponsor Presentation – Rockwell Drilling
- Keynote: Fully coupled numerical methods and a simple method for consolidation analysis of viscous clayey soils
Prof Jinhua Yin, Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Invited: Practical implementation of numerical analysis automation in geotechnical engineering with Generative AI assistance: Advantages and challenges
Dr Ali Parsa, JK Geotechnics - Invited: Evaluating impact loading from a heavy vehicle collision against traffic barriers integrated with retaining walls
Prof Chin Leo, Western Sydney University - Advances in numerical modelling for quantifying the role of cohesion in clogging of granular materials
Dr Thao Doan, UTS - Session 3 Q&A
15:00-15:30 — Afternoon tea
15:30-17:00 — Session 4: Geotechnical Design and Excavation: Advances and Challenges
- Invited: Effective block size scaling for advanced rock modelling in practical applications
Dr David Oliveira, Aurecon - Retrofitting a pressure relief system to a tanked basement
Dr Gareth Swarbrick, PSM - Observations on the behaviour of surface and underground excavations in the shales of the Sydney Region: Geotechnical lessons
Mei Ai Khoo, Gamuda - Design challenges associated with deep retaining walls in weathered / faulted Silurian age siltstone
Manuel Neves, Fortify Geotech - Session 4 Q&A
- Closing remarks
17:00-17:30 — Networking Drinks
Benefits of sponsorship
- Ability to upload a video (2 minutes long) to play during the symposium, and/or provide LinkedIn – link for each level of sponsorship
- Recognition of your sponsorship at the Symposium and to readers of Australian Geomechanics
- There will be three levels of sponsorship – Platinum, Gold and Silver.
- More information is available in the flyer.
Gold and Silver Sponsorship can be purchased directly.
Organisations wishing to be a Platinum sponsor, should contact Saman Zargarbashi via [email protected]
Organising committee
- Mehdi Tamadon, GHD (Organising Committee Coordinator)
- Ali Parsa, JK Geotechnics
- Hadi Khabbaz, University of Technology Sydney
- Cholachat Rujikiat-kamjorn, University of Technology Sydney
- Saman Zargarbashi, WSP
- Sam Mirlatifi, GHD
- AHM Kamruzzaman (Zaman), TfNSW
- Alice Clark, Aurecon
- Mehrnaz Alibeikloo, WSP
- Hamid Mortazavi Bak, Beca
- Mrigesh Tamang, STS Geotechnics
Registration has now closed.
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