Dr. David Och – Assessment of International Geological Surveys and their open-data sources
Dr. David Och, a long-standing AGS member and recent Churchill Fellowship recipient, has published his report regarding his assessment of International Geological Surveys and their open-data sources. The report can be accessed from the Churchill Fellows Association of NSW.
Proceedings from the 20th ICSMGE and 7th iYGEC conferences
The Proceedings from the 20th ICSMGE and 7th iYGEC conferences that were held in Sydney 2022 are now freely available as “open access” documents on the ISSMGE website.
Mine Waste and Tailings Conference 2023 Workshop – Brisbane 12 July 2023
Allan McConnell from Insitu Geotech Services, is helping organise the Mine Waste & Tailings Conference in Brisbane, 13-14 July 2023. They recently announced a workshop to be held prior to the Conference.
The latest issue of the IAEG Connector newsletter is available to read online. Welcome to the 261st IAEG Connector, the electronic newsletter connecting environmental and engineering geologists around the world! This week was a week of geodisasters! The biggest one was the large rockfall in the Tyrol part of Austria. We also had continued volcanic activity in Hawaii (Kilauea) and Antarctica. There were also some earthquakes in Japan and India. Next week we will have a summary of the mid-year board meeting from President Marinos.