Call for abstracts — 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024
Abstract submissions are now open The themes of the Conference include all design, analysis, construction, maintenance, site investigations and field monitoring aspects of pavements, highways, railways and ports, including related ground Improvement methods and sustainability perspectives of current and future transportation infrastructure. All abstracts must be submitted online by Friday 30 June 2023. Email submissions will not be accepted. On behalf of the Organising Committee, we have the pleasure of inviting you to the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, to be held in Sydney Masonic Centre from 20 to 22 November 2024, hosted by the Transport Research Centre of University of Technology Sydney (UTS-TRC) in close collaboration with the ISSMGE’s Technical Committee TC202 (Transportation Geotechnics) and the Australian…
Call for applications of the Second International Research Program of IAEG
The IAEG are calling for applications of the 2nd International Research Program of IAEG (IRP-IAEG). The IRP program is an international cooperative research program aimed at promotion in research and practice of Engineering Geology and the Environment.
Call for abstracts — 1st SLRMES Conference On Rock Mechanics For Infrastructure And Geo-Resources Development
The Sri Lankan Rock Mechanics and Engineering Society (SLRMES) invites you to participate in the 1st SLRMES Conference on Rock Mechanics for Infrastructure and Geo-Resources Development to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka during December 2-7, 2023.
The AGS is calling for nominations for the AGS Practitioner Award, that recognises contributions of the highest order over an extended period with a commitment to the geotechnical profession in Australia and the Australian Geomechanics Society.