Treatment of geotechnical reports under the DBP legislation
Fair Trading has recently had queries from industry regarding the treatment of geotechnical reports under the Design and Building Practitioners legislation. This is to clarify that regardless of the fact that there is a design practitioner category for geotechnical engineering, only work which fits the definition of a “regulated design” – that is, a plan, a specification, or a report detailing a design relating to a ‘building element’ for ‘building work’ (as defined by the Design and Building Practitioners Act) — needs to be declared and lodged on the NSW Planning Portal. Advice relied upon by a design practitioner but which is not itself a “regulated design” does not need to be declared as a regulated design; but should be…
ISRM2023 extension of abstract submission deadline
Extension of abstract submission deadline The deadline for submitting an abstract to the 15th ISRM International Congress 2023 isextended to June 30th, 2022 (23:59:59). The congress will be held in Salzburg, Austria. On the congress homepage, you can find information on the preliminary session topics and more:
The organisers of the 15th International ISRM Congress 2023, have provided details on the abstract review process — that can be downloaded here. Please note, abstract submissions are due May 31, 2022.
The South Australia and Northern Territory Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) is pleased to announce its 2022 Symposium entitled “Sustainability, Innovation and Risk Management in Geotechnical Engineering”, which is to be held in late October 2022. The symposium forms part of the continuing programme of events organised by the SA-NT Chapter of the AGS and aims to provide the engineering profession with insights into the importance of addressing sustainability through innovation, accounting for contingent risks, in geotechnical engineering in current times, with definitions, commentary and examples for a range of projects and technologies. This year, the Symposium will include a Workshop in the middle part of the day that will focus on practical aspects of sustainability in relation…