The South Australia and Northern Territory Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) is pleased to announce its 2022 Symposium entitled “Sustainability, Innovation and Risk Management in Geotechnical Engineering”, which is to be held in late October 2022. The symposium forms part of the continuing programme of events organised by the SA-NT Chapter of the AGS and aims to provide the engineering profession with insights into the importance of addressing sustainability through innovation, accounting for contingent risks, in geotechnical engineering in current times, with definitions, commentary and examples for a range of projects and technologies. This year, the Symposium will include a Workshop in the middle part of the day that will focus on practical aspects of sustainability in relation…
Sydney Chapter Young Geomechanical Professionals’ Night
The Sydney Chapter of AGS is calling for presenters for the Young Geotechnical Professionals’ Night on Wednesday 8 June 2022. The best applicants (from industry and universities) will be chosen to give a 10-minute presentation on their preferred topic. Successful applicants will be selected based on a half-page abstract on the subject that they propose to present (deadline 9th May) and a one page CV. Following selection, final presentations would be due by 25th May 2022 for AGS review. Talks need not be overly technical or theoretical but should reflect interesting and challenging aspects of the presenter’s work that would be of interest to the geotechnical community. Participation is open to industry participants under the age of 35 as of…
Slope stability assessments in the flood-affected Northern Rivers region
The AGS has been approached by flood affected residents to complete slope stability assessments in the Northern Rivers region. If you are interested and have suitable experience in the completion of such assessments, please contact the AGS National Secretary via [email protected], for contact details.
The Victorian Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) is pleased to announce the 2022 AGS Victorian Symposium titled “Digital Geotechnics” to be held on 26 October 2022. The symposium forms part of the continuing program of events organised by the Victorian Chapter of the AGS. The event will showcase recent developments in digital geotechnics and applications of digital geotechnics in practice. This symposium will be held as a full-day face-to-face event in Melbourne. The following is a list of suggested topics: Data capture techniques (drone survey, LIDAR, InSAR etc.) enable improved design/operation outcomes. Data management and integration to identify the geotechnical information gap. Digital twins of infrastructures. 3D geological/geotechnical modelling. Advanced numerical analysis. Construction/operating phases instrumentation and monitoring (settlement,…