90th IAEG Connector
8th continent of Zealandia and a train is wrecked by a landslide — the latest issue of the IAEG Connector newsletter is now available online.
8th continent of Zealandia and a train is wrecked by a landslide — the latest issue of the IAEG Connector newsletter is now available online.
The latest 89th IAEG Connector is available online.
The Victorian Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) is pleased to announce the 2020 AGS Victorian Symposium titled “Sustainable Geotechnics – Excellence in Planning, Design and Construction” to be held on 30 September 2020. The Symposium forms part of the continuing programme of events organised by the Victorian Chapter of the AGS. Its purpose is to provide a forum for the dissemination of technical information in relation to sustainable geotechnical engineering practice, with a specific focus on sustainable planning, design and construction approaches. The Event At the start of a new decade, our society faces many challenges of which engineers and geo-professionals are at the forefront. These challenges include managing our limited resources, finding new sources of energy generation,…
The deadline for the submission of nominations for the ISRM Science Achievement Award 2020, has been extended from 15 to 29 February 2020. In 2020 the Science Achievement Award will be conferred on ISRM individual members in recognition of one or more of the following contributions to the progress of the science of rock mechanics: making an important advancement of knowledge; proposing and confirming a new theory to explain certain phenomena. A complete description of the nature and objectives of this new Award, as well as of the nomination procedure, can be found in the “GUIDELINE for the ISRM Science and Technology Awards”. Nominations for the award shall be by the chairs of the ISRM National Groups; nominations should be…
The abstract submission process for the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE) 2021 is now open. Abstracts will be accepted via the ISSMGE’s Member Societies websites. Please approach your Member Society for the opportunity to submit an abstract. If you would like to contact your Member Society please find the best contact here. Lists of accepted abstracts will be provided to the ICMSGE 2021 Conference Secretariat by each Member Society to finalise acceptance. Once accepted you will be directed to complete a submission link for the Conference. Submission Guidelines for ICSMGE 2021 Abstracts must be written in English or in French. Abstract submissions must include the abstract title, author(s)’ name(s), affiliations, theme, up to five keywords, and…
This biennial lecture commemorates the work in geomechanics by Professor Edward Hughesdon Davis. Professor Davis was one of the pioneers of geomechanics in Australia. He perceived that progress and understanding of the theoretical basis of geomechanics would only come if consistent, sound, but simple models of soil behaviour were used. The two topics that were the central focus of his research were the application of the theory of elasticity to foundation deformation and the theory of plasticity to stability. He also made a major contribution to the theory of consolidation of clay soils. Ted Davis was always extremely conscious of the link between theory and practice, the relationship between the idealised and the real material, and the engineering significance of…
The most recent IAEG Connector newsletter is available online.
The latest IAEG Connector newsletter is available online.
Early bird accommodation — complete your reservation until 1st March! During the 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization (to be held in Budapest between 7-11 September, 2020.) accomodation booking is provided for participants, exhibitors and sponsors as one of the main services. Please find the link with detailed information here. Kindly be informed that at the time of the conference there will be another event in Budapest starting at the end of the week which attracts around 100,000 people so hotel trade of Budapest expect full houses in all hotels. For these reasons and for your convenience we advise to book your accomodation as soon as possible to avoid reservation rejection later. We offer the following hotels to…
The Western Australia Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) is pleased to announce a one day symposium on “West Australian Geotechnics and Geology”. Western Australia’s construction industry is currently booming. Investment in public infrastructure, mining and offshore developments is growing. Economical and safe geotechnical design requires efficient and well thought through ground investigation and characterisation to identify and manage ground risks and opportunities. This symposium will present overviews of current state of-the-art practices, innovation, new research relating to WA geology and case studies of WA projects. There will be an emphasis on its implications for addressing and managing design and construction risk. The symposium will bring together professional engineers, researchers, specialist contractors, regulators, educators and students to share and discuss their…