Our Executive Council meets yearly to discuss IAEG business. They just met in Athens, Greece and have produced a short video to show what they did while there. This is a very important meeting every year.
Second, we are starting a new tradition from YEG. We will have a short article published every month by a YEG member on a case history. In this issue, we have an article from India written by Shubham Chaudhary.
There have been many geodisasters around the world, too. Indonesia has had the eruption of Mt. Ibu and also many mudslides in the western part of the country. Also, we report a couple of landslides from the USA.
One of the worst climatic tragedies in the history of Brazil has developed this past week in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and our national group of Brazil is helping with the many problems resulting from rainfall five times what is normal.
2nd Australia and NZ Geosynthetics Conference (GEOANZ #2)
The 2nd Australia and NZ Geosynthetic Conference is going to be held in Melbourne, Victoria, from 9 to 11 July 2024. The theme of the conference is 'Advances in Geosynthetics.'
This week we have the attachment to the newest Electronic Newsletter for IAEG that is done by our home office. There is so much information! Be sure to download it! There is also an announcement of extending the deadline for the nominations for our major awards for IAEG. We encourage you to nominate some members for the awards.
On the news front we have items on mudflows in Kyrgyzstan, a highway collapse in China and the energy potential of Mozambique.
This week we have the announcement for President Vassilis Marinos! On the news front we have items on Saharan dust in Greece, an avalanche in India, a new map from Greenland and landslides in China.
This week we have the announcement of the upcoming geo-disaster reduction conference, a very interesting e-YEG webinar and the call for nominations for two of our IAEG awards.
On the news front a new group of geoparks was announced this week plus we have articles on landslides and rockfalls in Taiwan, Bosnia and Herzogovina, Australia and Switzerland.
The IAEG have announced a call for nominations of the Richard Wolters Prize. This prize is awarded biannually to commemorate the life and work of Dr. Richard Wolters for his significant achievements in the advancement of engineering geology and the development of IAEG. The Prize recognises meritorious scientific achievement by a younger member of the engineering geology profession. Nominations close June 15th, 2024.