We have a very active YEG group with IAEG. They will be having YEG written papers every few months that have been reviewed. This month we have our first YEG paper!
There have been many geological news items from around the world, too. We mention a very large landslide in British Columbia, Canada and a volcano that erupted in Japan.
The big news this week is the announcement of a new Hans Cloos Medal winner for IAEG, Professor Niek Rengers of the Netherlands. Congratulations to Dr. Rengers! There have been many geological news items from around the world, too. We mention landslides in India and France and a rare happening of over 100 earthquakes in Texas, USA.
The big news this week is the announcement of a new conference in India in 2025. We also follow up with more information about Prof. Xuanmei Fan of China as the first Paul Marinos Distinguished World Lecturer. She will be booking talks very soon! We also have announced the six candidates for the Richard Wolters Award.
Call for Applications of 3rd International Research Program of IAEG (IRP-IAEG)
The 3rd International Research Program of IAEG (IRP-IAEG) is officially launched. The IRP program is an international cooperative research program aimed at promotion in research and practice of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Generally no more than 5 projects will be active over the same period. The maximum duration of each research project is 4 years.
The big news this week is the announcement of Prof. Xuanmei Fan of China as the first Paul Marinos Distinguished World Lecturer. She will be booking talks very soon! Congratulations to her - she is wonderful and a perfect choice! There is also a condolence letter to our profession about the death of Dr. Evert Hoek this past week from the Chinese National Group. We also have a new photo from James Hamel - the very interesting Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota in the USA which is being carved from granite.
The big news this week is the passing away of one of the great mentors in our field, Dr. Evert Hoek. We will have a special tribute to him next week.
There have been many geological news items from around the world, too. A large landslide happened in Indonesia and increased seismic activity under Mt. St. Helens in the United States signals that it is recharging.
Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) Standards Newsletter, Edition 24
The latest edition of the Victoria Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) Standards newsletter can be foundĀ online. The following DTP Standards have been published, updated or withdrawn during April, May and June. Road Standards are available to everyone and are published on the VicGov website. For queries, please contact [email protected] Rail Standards are available to everyone and are published on the VicGov website. For queries, please contact [email protected] You can access previous newsletters here.
There have been many geological news items from around the world. There is a large landslide emergency in the Dolomites of Italy, a peat landslide in the United Kingdom, and a rock topple in Brazil.